Unlike sports drinks, juice, and soda, Pedialyte® AdvancedCare® Plus rehydration powder sticks contain the optimal levels of sugar and electrolytes to help prevent dehydration.§
† Sodium electrolytes per equal volume compared to other Pedialyte® products.
‡ For causes of dehydration other than vomiting and diarrhea, consult a health care professional for directions for use.
§ For dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting.
¶ Oral rehydration solution category.
Energy (Calories): 50
†† Attempt to give/take solution as soon as diarrhea begins. Take/give the solution frequently and in small amounts (e.g., 5 mL) gradually increased, as tolerated. If more solution is requested/desired, give/take more, as tolerated.
Duration of use: Continue as long as diarrhea or vomiting is present. For occasional use only.
For dehydration due to other causes such as fever, travel, heat, exercise, and medical procedures/treatments which may increase the risk of dehydration, consult a health care professional.
Find out where to buy Pedialyte® powder online or in store.