“I knew I shouldn’t
have eaten that
old crab dip!”
The causes of food poisoning include viruses, parasites, and bacteria. There are more than 250 different foodborne diseases! The symptoms of food poisoning can differ, depending on the cause, but two of the most common symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea.
Vomiting and diarrhea caused by food poisoning can be severe over a short period of time. You or your children may be losing electrolytes and fluids at a faster rate than they can be easily replaced. And on top of all the other food poisoning symptoms, dehydration can make you or your kids feel even worse.
You or your children will typically improve within 48 hours after food poisoning symptoms first appear. Here are some food poisoning remedies that can help everyone feel better in the meantime:
Rehydrate with Pedialyte®
Take/give small sips every
15 minutes
Eat plain foods
Start with small bites of bland foods such as crackers, rice, and bananas
Take it slow
Don’t eat dairy or fatty foods and avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine
Give your body a chance to recover
For over 50 years, the advanced science behind Pedialyte® has helped people hydrate after challenging episodes of dehydration. You may have used juice, sodas, and sports drinks in the past to help you or your family rehydrate after food poisoning, but these beverages are often too high in sugar and too low in sodium (which is an important electrolyte). When you or your little one is dehydrated from food poisoning, sugary drinks can actually make the symptoms of food poisoning, like diarrhea, worse. Pedialyte® contains the optimal balance of sugar and electrolytes that provides fast rehydration to help everyone feel better fast.
Food poisoning is common, so be prepared! Consider Pedialyte® as part of your everyday first-aid kit. Our four different types of Pedialyte® products come in a variety of flavours. Find your or your little one’s favourites online or at your local store!