“Stomach flu
for two?”
Unlike the seasonal flu, a respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus, the “stomach flu” is due to several viruses that cause the intestines to become inflamed. One common cause of the stomach flu is the norovirus.The norovirus can spread quickly and easily through shared spaces like schools, the office, restaurants, and public transportation.
Stomach flu symptoms usually last 1 to 3 days. Since the stomach flu is a viral infection, not a bacterial one, current medicine can’t “fix” the flu. It has to get better on its own.
But there are stomach flu remedies that you or your family can use to feel better in the meantime to help fight the effects of this stomach bug. Intense diarrhea and vomiting can dehydrate you, which, on top of stomach flu symptoms, can make you or your little one feel even worse. Rehydrate with Pedialyte® to feel better fast.
But because it can be brought on by several different viruses throughout the year, the stomach flu can hit at any time. Add Pedialyte® to your first-aid kit and always be prepared.
For more than 50 years, Pedialyte® has provided the optimal balance of sugar and electrolytes that people need for fast rehydration during episodes of diarrhea and vomiting, like in the stomach flu.
Juice, sodas, and sports drinks are too high in sugar and too low in sodium (an important electrolyte). And when you or your little one is dehydrated from a stomach bug, sugary drinks can actually make diarrhea worse. Pedialyte® has the optimal balance of sugar and electrolytes needed for fast rehydration when vomiting and diarrhea leave you or your little one stuck in the bathroom.
Our four different types of Pedialyte® Products come in a variety of flavours. Find your or your little one’s favourites
online or at your local store!