The more active you are, the more you sweat—which can cause dehydration.
Dehydration can reduce your performance.
Did you know? Fluid and electrolyte loss of as little as 2% of your body weight may make it harder to sustain exercise and can increase your body temperature and make working out harder.
When you’re active, your temperature rises, and perspiration (the body’s natural cooling mechanism) kicks in.
Sweating a lot while active or ill can lead to enough fluid and electrolyte loss to cause dehydration.
Whether you’re running a marathon or your kids are playing in a weekend-long tournament, dehydration can leave you all feeling unfocused and exhausted.
Be sure to rehydrate by replacing lost fluids and electrolytes if you or your loved ones start to experience the effects of dehydration during or after exercise.
Pedialyte® has 3 key electrolytes that are lost when you sweat:
Sodium is key for muscle contraction.
Potassium is critical for muscle and nerve function.
Chloride is essential for fluid balance in the body and is lost with sodium in sweat.
Did you know? Losing large amounts of sodium in sweat can lead to muscle cramps.
Sweating a lot can cause dehydration during or after a workout. So, if you notice any signs of dehydration, it is important to rehydrate with a solution such as Pedialyte® AdvancedCare® Plus.†
Don’t let the negative effects of dehydration impact your performance. Add Pedialyte® to your rehydration plan.
Professional athletes have been rehydrating with Pedialyte® for decades because they know the connection between hydration and performance. The intense physical demand of training calls for advanced rehydration.
Pedialyte® products come in a variety of flavours and formats, such as powder and liquids. Find Pedialyte® online or in your local store!
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