The better you understand dehydration symptoms and causes, the more you can help yourself
or your kids rehydrate with Pedialyte® and feel better fast.
Dehydration is when we lose more bodily fluids than we’re taking in. Water and electrolytes are essential to human physiology and we need to maintain the proper balance of these in our system or we will start to experience symptoms of dehydration.
It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day. Proper hydration improves your mood, boosts brain function, and prevents fatigue. It also helps to keep the skin moisturized, produce necessary bodily fluids, such as tears and saliva, and remove waste through sweat, urine, and stool.
When we are dehydrated, we may feel multiple effects, such as a headache, dizziness, or fatigue. In addition, you may have a dry mouth and feel very thirsty. In children, the parent should watch for symptoms such as signs of fever, unusual tiredness, or no wet diapers.
Several things can cause dehydration, but anytime you or your child experiences excessive loss of bodily fluids through sickness, it can be hard to stay hydrated. You or your kids can lose more water and electrolytes than you’re able to easily replace by eating and drinking.
Diarrhea and vomiting that come on suddenly and frequently can cause a rapid loss of fluids and electrolytes.
You lose water and electrolytes when you sweat, so the more you sweat, the sooner you might become dehydrated.
Electrolytes are minerals essential to your health. They help carry electrical signals that power your nerves and muscles, maintain your blood’s proper pH, and balance fluids in your body. You get electrolytes from what you eat and drink, and you lose them whenever you lose fluids (like when you sweat or go to the bathroom).
Water doesn’t have enough electrolytes, so for mild to moderate dehydration, often just drinking water isn’t enough. For effective hydration, we need both fluids and electrolytes, like those found in Pedialyte®, to rehydrate and feel better fast.
Several things can lead to dehydration. Luckily, Pedialyte® can help you or your family hydrate, no matter what causes your dehydration.† Click on any of the common causes of dehydration below to learn more about how they lead to dehydration.
For more than 50 years, Pedialyte® has helped people of all ages replace both the fluids and electrolytes they’ve lost due to challenging episodes of dehydration.† Backed by advanced science, Pedialyte® contains the optimal balance of sugar and electrolytes for fast rehydration. Pedialyte® is the
#1 doctor and pharmacist recommended brand. So, rehydrate with Pedialyte® to feel better fast.
† Mild to moderate dehydration.